Friday, December 6, 2013

Addy and Cecile Deck the Halls: 2013

I have yet to see snow around here but, man, is it sure cold out! We are already into the month of December so its time to break out the decorations. This year I decided to kick back and let the dolls take care of things.

I mean, what could go wrong with that?

Addy & Cecile

I take that back. They have no idea what they are doing. Plus Cecile has been rather irritable and bossy lately. Probably because I keep changing up her name.  

Don't worry, Cecile! I'll come up with something I like that sticks.

Cecile: "Come on, Addy! We NEED to get closer."

Cecile: "Just a liiiiiiiiiittle bit closer."
Addy: "Cecile,…. I c-can't… heavy!…."

***no dolls were harmed in the taking of these photographs***

Bonus Pictures: Just click on a picture to see it bigger.

What my dolls are wearing: 
Addy has on the purple sweater from GOTY 2012 Mckenna's School outfit, Elizabeth's Meet Outfit socks, Josefina's Riding Boots, and a skirt I made.

Cece has on the necklace from Cecile's meet accessories, the sweater from the 1999 Plaid Skirt and Sweater outfit, the legging's from GOTY 2013 Saige's Sweater Outfit, socks from Addy's Shoes and Socks set, and hair ribbons from Cecile's Special Dress.