Monday, August 4, 2014

Introducing Valour

Valour is my second custom doll and a very simple one at that.  The base doll I used was Marie Grace and she left over from my first custom doll project, Fable [1].  My original intention was to give my Marie Grace Doll Ruthie's dark, curly wig but once I had it on MG that wig did not feel just right to me. Also, I quickly realized that I already had mostly dark haired dolls in my current group [2].

Original Marie Grace and Ruthie

None of the dolls currently offered by American Girl had wigs that really excited me so I scoured the internet for "the perfect wig". I found many many beautiful wigs I would have loved to use that were offered for Ball Jointed Dolls (BJD) but unfortunately they were too small [3]. Most of the wigs I found in the correct size felt highly dated or were not in a style I liked.  That is until I found this beauty.

So much puff!
It has this awesome 80's vibe to it and the style and color gives my collection a wider balance and variety. Plus I just love the voluminous, craziness of all those curls!

You might have noticed that this post lacks *ahem* variety in the angles used to photograph Valour.  I am finding the Marie Grace face mold difficult to photograph in a flattering manner, which is a shame since it really is a beautiful mold to see in person [4]. I am not too worried though. With practice I will learn.

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Foot notes:

[1] Fable is a Ruthie doll with Marie Grace's wig and hand painted freckles.

[2] Currently 3/4 of my dolls have black/brown hair.

[3] I needed at least a size 11 wig and most BJD wigs I was finding were a maximum of about size 9.

[4] Finding a flattering hairstyle was a big issue when choosing a wig for Valour. A lot of the wigs I considered would not be doing that face mold many favors.