Monday, August 4, 2014

Introducing Valour

Valour is my second custom doll and a very simple one at that.  The base doll I used was Marie Grace and she left over from my first custom doll project, Fable [1].  My original intention was to give my Marie Grace Doll Ruthie's dark, curly wig but once I had it on MG that wig did not feel just right to me. Also, I quickly realized that I already had mostly dark haired dolls in my current group [2].

Original Marie Grace and Ruthie

None of the dolls currently offered by American Girl had wigs that really excited me so I scoured the internet for "the perfect wig". I found many many beautiful wigs I would have loved to use that were offered for Ball Jointed Dolls (BJD) but unfortunately they were too small [3]. Most of the wigs I found in the correct size felt highly dated or were not in a style I liked.  That is until I found this beauty.

So much puff!
It has this awesome 80's vibe to it and the style and color gives my collection a wider balance and variety. Plus I just love the voluminous, craziness of all those curls!

You might have noticed that this post lacks *ahem* variety in the angles used to photograph Valour.  I am finding the Marie Grace face mold difficult to photograph in a flattering manner, which is a shame since it really is a beautiful mold to see in person [4]. I am not too worried though. With practice I will learn.

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Foot notes:

[1] Fable is a Ruthie doll with Marie Grace's wig and hand painted freckles.

[2] Currently 3/4 of my dolls have black/brown hair.

[3] I needed at least a size 11 wig and most BJD wigs I was finding were a maximum of about size 9.

[4] Finding a flattering hairstyle was a big issue when choosing a wig for Valour. A lot of the wigs I considered would not be doing that face mold many favors. 


  1. Valour is so cute! I was wondering what you were going to do with the "leftovers" from making Fable. Her curls are amazing, almost as curly as Shirley Temple! Congrats on your new girlie, have fun with her. And please tell her that Ruthie says hi.

  2. Could you tell me where you found this wig? Valour and her hair are gorgeous!

  3. I would also love to know where you found this wig. It's adorable !

  4. I would love to know which wig this is. Thanks!

  5. Please Please Let me know where you found this wig! I love it!!!

  6. I need this wig in black. Please tell us what your source is!
